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Sweat Equity Fitness
A local gym driven to promote equity in health, yourself and earning it through hard work, determination and most importantly SWEAT.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Angelo Manfredi
Established: Feb 15, 2020
675 Archibald St. (Wpg, MB)
(204) 306-8885
Check Them Out!
The 411
Angelo shares what Sweat Equity Fitness is all about.
Know their Story
Learn about Angelo's inspiring story, his character and what drives him everyday at Sweat Equity Fitness.
Media Gallery
Making an Impact
Angelo is driven to create meaningful impact at his gym through a sense of belonging, positive wellbeing, both mentally and physically, and to create a level of fulfillment in people that can't be taken away by anyone.
Keepin' it Fun
We asked Angelo about his take on fun and vacations and well, he's always having fun and finds so much joy and happiness in the culture he's built at his gym.

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