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Chef Gina Navarro (Tierra Madre)
Food and catering
Through the delightful trifecta of food, wine, and the art of living well, Tierra Madre creates a diverse and enriching tapestry of content that celebrates the epicurean lifestyle.
Meet the Team
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Gina Navarro
Established: Jan 2, 2017
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
(431) 373-6259
The 411
When Gina arrived in Winnipeg, she started to miss food back home in Mexico, which led to the journey of creating Tierra Madre.
Know their Story
Soups, pastries, you name it! Gina has been passionate about cooking ever since she was a kid.
Media Gallery
Making an Impact
Gina takes great pride in her Mexican roots by sharing culture through her food.
Keepin' it Fun
Gina enjoys yoga and walking in the park to relax and to stay healthy.

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