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Spreads by Cede
Nutritiously infused cashew and almond butter spread, with no added oils or sugar.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Cede Sebelius
Established: May 1, 2018
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
(204) 588-7748
The 411
From home's kitchen, to making nutritiously-superfood-powered nut butters; The journey has been great to see, and all the experimentation has led to a diverse product line of tasty nut butters.
Know their Story
Her educational background in nutritional sciences and extensive global travel truly ignited her passion for all things food, and the creativity that goes along in developing unique nut butter flavours.
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Making an Impact
Cede's relentless commitment to developing a healthy product that is nutritiously beneficial for your body and connecting with others that prioritize health and wellness are what continues to drive her today.
Keepin' it Fun
All of the travel that Cede has embarked on has ignited so many passions, creativity, and new perspectives that she has today.

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