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Sotello Group
Real estate
Real estate professionals who will guide you through the process of buying or selling a home effectively and seamlessly.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Sebastian Sotello, Roberto Sotello
Established: Jul 1, 2010
1877 Henderson Hwy. (Winnipeg, MB)
(204) 952-3334
Check Them Out!
The 411
Sebastian knew for a very long time that he wanted to get into real estate.
Know their Story
Sebastian has scaled the Sotello group to team up with his father to combine all of their expertise in real estate to provide even more value to their customers.
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Making an Impact
Sebastian has truly scaled his business to make every step in the home buying and home selling process to be as simple as possible for customers.
Keepin' it Fun
Sebastian absolutely adores golf and will seize any moment of opportunity to get a few rounds in.

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