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Food and catering
Locally-sourced delicious charcuterie boards.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Cassandra Carreiro
Established: Oct 1, 2020
160 Stafford St. (Wpg, MB)
(431) 489-0244
Check Them Out!
The 411
From making artisanal charcuterie to catering and delivery services, Cassandra brings a variety of delicious options for everyone.
Know their Story
A psych nurse turned into a food artist, Cassandra once thought that her business would never grow, but Instagram has been a great help in discovering her craft and building an audience. From there, it was just a matter of time before Cassandra’s business began to thrive.
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Making an Impact
Cassandra believes that supporting local businesses is an important part of who she is and what she does, which is why she is committed to using only locally sourced ingredients for her products.
Keepin' it Fun
Cassandra enjoys yoga and dancing, and has a keen interest for fashion.

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