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Senores Tamaleros
Authentic Mexican style tamales with flavour inspirations from all over Mexico.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Michael Simon
Established: Jan 9, 2023
525 Beresford Ave. (Wpg, MB)
(431) 588-9237
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The 411
When Michael moved to Winnipeg, he missed all of the Mexican culture that he was surrounded by, notably connection and its food, which ultimately led to the creation of Senores Tamaleros.
Know their Story
Michael's passion and love for Latin cuisine has only blossomed over the years, and continues to scale in his business.
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Making an Impact
Michael loves sharing his love for tamales and introducing others to new flavours that the city hasn't seen.
Keepin' it Fun
Michael loves indulging in food, traveling, going to spas, and treating himself whenever possible because finding time for himself is next to impossible these days.

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