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Reiki Higherself
Health and wellness
Holistic beauty and energy care.
Meet the Team
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Fatima Aziz
Established: Jan 1, 2019
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
The 411
Fatima loves how rewarding it feels when she gets to help other people through Reiki services.
Know their Story
Fatima excitement comes from being able to help others get into a deeper state of relaxation, especially in a world where there are continuous competing priorities that can easily stress the average person.
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Making an Impact
Going through stresses herself, she discovered Reiki for the first time and absolutely fell in love; Driven to help others reap the same benefits, she turned into a business to help others.
Keepin' it Fun
It’s all about being active for Fatima; being able to try new things often, getting out and enjoying what you do.

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