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Protein packed and healthy alternative donuts.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Norman Barairo, Michael Mayer
Established: Jan 29, 2020
540 Academy Road. (Wpg, MB)
(204) 808-9619
Check Them Out!
The 411
Who would've thought that donuts could be packed so much protein, tasty and nutritious at the same time? Just let Norman and Michael tell you.
Know their Story
Who would have thought that casual baking in a kitchen would turn into the creation of a nutritious, healthy, protein packed donut?
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Making an Impact
Navigating dietary restrictions are tough, and it's so amazing that Michael and Norman are able to help them with a healthy, nutritious, protein packed donut option.
Keepin' it Fun
Travel, beaches, fitness, and boxing are some of the few things that keep life fun and interesting for Michael and Norman.

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