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Healthy and natural food and treats for your pets.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Bijal Patel, Naman Patel
Established: Apr 1, 2020

Multiple Locations

(204) 293-7742
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The 411
From California to Winnipeg, it’s great to see how Naman and Bijal wanted to collaborate together to create something impactful when they moved, notably in the Pet sector of the city.
Know their Story
Naman and Bijal were very motivated to create options for customers and their pets, while also educating the consumer base on healthy treat options.
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Making an Impact
Motivated to showcase local Canadian products and provide customers with options, Pet Toba is proud to say that they carry numerous Canadian brands of pet food and treats that aren’t offered elsewhere in the city.
Keepin' it Fun
Coming from California, keeping things light hearted and fun in Winnipeg is all about avoiding the outdoors, astrology and horoscope readings!

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