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Peeks & Vallee
Beauty and personal care
Natural and handmade self care products.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Mike Picur, Grace Picur
Established: Jun 11, 2022
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
The 411
From experimenting to handmade soap, to expanding into all types of skincare, butters, and lotion, we love the journey and progress that Grace and Mike have made with their business.
Know their Story
It's so heartwarming to hear that the business started because of their daughter. Acne struggles led to the creation of handmade soaps that were a cost effective and working solution that grew into so much more.
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Making an Impact
The vision that Grace and Mike have is inspiring, making a product that not only addresses challenges they've faced within their family, but to help others as well.
Keepin' it Fun
We love that it's truly all about time, connecting and building meaningful relationships for Grace and Mike. Time is everything, and being with people that they care about is what matters most.

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