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Momma Helen's
Food and catering
Specializing in the creation of home-cooked style Mexican taquitos.
Meet the Team
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Nancy Abrams
Established: Sep 10, 2021
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
The 411
Taquitos have always been a part of Nancy's life, and being able to share the traditional Mexican dish has been an amazing journey.
Know their Story
Sharing her traditional Mexican roots to locals has led to all the wonderous flavour creations of Taquitos that you can't quite find anywhere else in Winnipeg.
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Making an Impact
Nancy's passion for all things food has led to so many recipe creations that she's been able to share with others.
Keepin' it Fun
The outdoors, painting, gardening, and of course, cooking. Nancy definitely keeps life interesting and spicy with all the variety of interests that she has, but of course, if she had a whole day, experimenting with all things food would bring her the most joy.

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