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Kaye's Muesli Mix
Muesli, granola, cooking oats, breakfast balls, and fudge.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Titania Kayes
Established: Jun 17, 2021
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
The 411
After perfecting a recipe that combined just the right amount of sweetness with enough crunch, Titania decided to share it with other people who love packing light, staying active and getting outdoors.
Know their Story
It took Titania some time to figure out the right proportions and mix of ingredients, but eventually she created the perfect combination and was mixing up muesli for everyone.
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Making an Impact
In many ways, Titania views the other business owners she works with as part of her extended family; They are a tightly-knit community and love helping one another out when they can.
Keepin' it Fun
Titania loves to read and has a large collection of books at home. She also enjoys cooking and growing house plants.

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