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J&C Handmade
Jewelry and accessories
Handmade crochet goods and accessories.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Christine Heppner
Established: Apr 12, 2018
Carman, Manitoba (Online)
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The 411
The mother and daughter duo of Christine and Jennifer have grown their crocheting business together over the years.
Know their Story
With over 20 years of combined crocheting experience, Christine and Jennifer eventually decided to take their hobby and turn it into a business to share with others.
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Making an Impact
Christine shares that feel-good feeling that comes along with creating unique crochet and design pieces that make customers happy.
Keepin' it Fun
It’s clear that Christine’s passion is all things related to crochet, but who doesn’t like a night in with Netflix and a Nintendo switch?

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