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Frany Jewelry Co.
Jewelry and accessories
Elevating your everyday look with non-tarnish, hypoallergenic, handcrafted and custom jewelry.
Meet the Team
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Abbey Frany
Established: Jan 1, 2021
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
(431) 374-6358
The 411
It all started with Abbey wanting her own jewelry, which eventually led to her friends wanting the same jewelry pieces too!
Know their Story
From a custom wire name necklace, to hours of YouTube tutorials later, Abbey has scaled to a unique product line that continues to excite customers.
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Making an Impact
Business scale has always been a motivating factor to continue to bring more joy to her expanding customer base.
Keepin' it Fun
Abbey has always been about staying active through a variety of sports, but also visiting local markets is something she finds plenty of joy in.

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