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Ecos Entertainment Productions
Musical artist
Entertainment company that empowers artists to deliver high-quality shows to audiences.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Carlos Ecos, Brunella Nuñez
Established: Jan 1, 2022
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
(431) 451-6945
The 411
A husband and wife duo from Peru, Carlos and his wife came together to create Ecos Entertainment Productions to provide memorable experiences through shows, artistry and entertainment.
Know their Story
Carlos shares how Ecos Entertainment Productions was created with his wife, and how they’ve been able to align their passions into a business venture that brings them so much fulfillment.
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Making an Impact
When we spoke to Carlos, he iterated how important it was to create something so unique that it brings joy to others in the creative process.
Keepin' it Fun
Cocktails, good conversations, and travelling the world are some of the few things that bring joy to Carlos.

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