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Dr. Nicole Pander
Medical professionals
Focused on amplifying your health to the next level through longevity medicine, digestion, immunity, and chronic illness prevention.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Dr. Nicole Pander
Established: Oct 19, 2021
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
The 411
Dr. Nicole Pander shares her people-centric approach in naturopathic medicine, noting the experience is holistic, and focused on getting to know patients to prevent, diagnose, and treat various health conditions.
Know their Story
Dr. Nicole Pander’s extensive experience and education led her to discover a passion in natural medicine.
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Making an Impact
One of the motivating factors in her profession is guiding others to take control of their own health, establishing good habits and a healthy lifestyle.
Keepin' it Fun
Dr. Nicole Pander keeps a balanced life as an avid outdoor and nature enthusiast, while also spending leisure time playing golf and softball.

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