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Con Amor
Art and home decor
Handmade unique decor and accessories, ranging from baby mobiles, garlands, banners, and more.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Natalia Vergara
Established: Feb 14, 2021
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
The 411
Born in Santiago, Chile, Natalia moved to Winnipeg in 2011; Since then, she discovered a passion for creation, and eventually led to a line of handcrafted felt creations.
Know their Story
Con Amor was created from the heart; It started with a need for baby mobiles for Natalia’s third baby and grew into an idea to help other families as well.
Media Gallery
Making an Impact
Natalia has been crafting for a long time, and she explains why it brings her so much joy.
Keepin' it Fun
Natalia has always been passionate about dance and fitness; She loves to encourage her children to always be active. Health is wealth!

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