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Chic Jewelry Design
Jewelry and accessories
Handcrafted jewelry pieces with minimalistic designs.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Tatiana Romero, Julieth Melo
Established: Jan 1, 2019
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
The 411
Hailing from Colombia, Julieth and Tatiana's (Founders, Chic Jewelry Design) passions in photography and design have led to many inspirations in their jewelry line.
Know their Story
Despite being a computer science major Tatiana (Co-founder, Chic Jewelry Design) fell in love with jewelry after giving birth to her daughter; She's been able to create designs that are both Canadian and Colombian inspired.
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Making an Impact
Both Tatiana and Julieth (Founders, Chic Jewelry Design) have been committed to empowering women, encouraging a community of people that remind them that they are stronger than they think.
Keepin' it Fun
From reading, family time, and nature to biking, hiking and all things creative, Tatiana and Julieth (Founders, Chic Jewelry Design) often balance their life with diverse activities.

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