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Ayleen Fit
Fitness coaching
IFBB (International Fitness & Bodybuilding Federation) Pro and Overall Bikini Champ, Ayleen provides online coaching to help people meet their health/wellness goals
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Ayleen Santander
Established: Dec 1, 2018
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
The 411
Ayleen Santander is an IFBB (International Fitness & Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Athlete from Santiago, Chile. She’s always been involved in many different activities and sports like Taekwondo, Jiu Jitsu, and ballet since she was a kid. Her passion for bodybuilding started back in 2018, and after moving to Winnipeg, she’s been actively participating in IFBB competitions across Canada. Ayleen is a CanFitPro certified personal trainer with certifications from the International Olympic Committee and IFBB in Womens' Training and Sports Nutrition
Know their Story
Ayleen was inspired by the women she saw on YouTube who were toned, muscular, happy, and most importantly confident. These moments sparked her interest in bodybuilding.
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Making an Impact
Ayleen believes that a healthy body and mind are critical to living a happy and fulfilled life. She also believes that with the right fitness professional, you can achieve this sooner than you think.
Keepin' it Fun
Ayleen is very active and enjoys playing escape room, machine games, and watching movies.

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