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Almendra Baking
Argentinian gluten-free and low sugar pastries.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Jorge Szpajzer, Karina Izbizky
Established: Aug 1, 2022
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Online)
(204) 297-8481
The 411
Quality, health and a taste that everyone will enjoy have always been top priorities for Karina and Jorge.
Know their Story
Jorge's diagnosis with diabetes led to the importance of creating a gluten-free diet that was not just carrots and apples, but something that everyone could enjoy.
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Making an Impact
Balancing deliciousness and nutrition in their food, Almendra Baking is on a mission to make sure you maintain a healthy lifestyle while enjoying a very tasty treat.
Keepin' it Fun
Keepin it Fun Dance, dance, and more dance; This is the simplest pleasure that always brings joy to Karina's life.

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