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Alivio Office Canada
A customer-centric online retailer operating nationwide. Leading the industry for contemporary and functional office space solutions and accessories.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Hammy Zeid, Eduardo Campos
Established: Nov 10, 2020
1032 Wilkes Ave. (Wpg, MB)
(204) 997-1186
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The 411
Responding to the immediate need for setting up home office spaces, Alivio Office Canada was established in the middle of the pandemic. Since then the company has seen incredible growth and has quickly developed a reputation for being one of the most reliable online retailers of contemporary, state-of-the-art office space solutions and accessories. Through its online store, the company offers high-quality furniture and equipment for any office space, from anti-fatigue mats and treadmills to standing desks and ergonomically functional office chairs and stools.
Know their Story
The success of the company lies in its partnership. Eduardo proposed a simple e-commerce idea and Hammy liked it and the rest was history. Their inherent understanding of each other's strengths makes them a great team tandem.
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Making an Impact
Both Eduardo and Hammy are regularly giving back to their communities and are passionate about supporting local businesses.
Keepin' it Fun
Hammy is a huge fan of European handball and likes to go to the gym where he can get in some good exercise. While Eduardo enjoys attending conferences and events where he can connect with others and continuously learn.

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